Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yet again, Heaney knows me so well...

Allow me another opportunity to gush over Seamus Heaney, please. I can relate to this man on several levels: from our similar heritage, our shared home county, and our both being poets.

I have always wanted to be a writer, if you asked my eight year old self what I wanted to be when I grew up without skipping a single beat she would respond "an awtha" (I had a lisp). I have finally begun the path of being a writer, although I have strayed from wanting to be an awtha and am much more interested in screen writing and poetry. I digress.. I've always wanted to write but my parents had a different idea in mind for me. That is why I was originally going to Mercyhurst for Biochemistry - gag - because my mother had her heart set on me becoming a doctor of some sort - gag again - which totally was NOT for me.

So I can relate to Heaney's poem "Digging" because I see that my parents have worked very hard their entire lives to provide a great life for me, and I would love nothing more than to be able to pay them back ten-fold, which was originally why I was going to be a doctor of some sort ($$$$). However, that path is not for me, and I will only be happy with my life if I am spending it writing. I know that Heaney is talking about not being able to do manual labor, and digging with spades and such, but I am loosely relating myself to his situation, give me some slack!


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